5 Benefits of Investing Passively
Latest from SMK – We have been dedicated for many years to creating risk adjusted passive investment opportunities for our group.
With all the investment options out there today from buying and selling stocks, to investing in rental property, to the ever changing world of cryptocurrencies, how is one supposed to understand it all and make wise investment decisions while working a full-time job and still have time for a life?!
Let’s face it, most people don’t have enough time and energy to become true experts in more than 1 area (unless you are Elon Musk). In addition, most of us do not want to come home from work and continue to work. This is where investing passively has so many positive attributes.
1. Free Up Your Time & Avoid Headaches: Passive investing allows one to forego managing tenants, vacancies, maintenance and the headaches that come with investments. By passing the control of the day to day operations to true experts, you can assure the investment is being well looked after of while you free up your valuable time.
2. Achieve True Diversification: Many commercial real estate investments have high acquisition prices (think $5m+) that not many people have access to. These opportunities often have several investors pooling capital together and investing as a group. Investing passively in a group can allow you to invest in multiple asset classes, in multiple locations and with varying investment duration’s and in turn you are able to achieve true diversification.
3. Avoid Credit and Liability Risk: Investing passively allows one to avoid being exposed to credit or liability risk. You do not need to personally guarantee multi-million dollar loans and are able to avoid the liability that often comes along with owning real estate.
4. Cash Flow: When done correctly, passive investing in real estate provides a reliable, predictable stream of cash flow for many years to come. It is very rewarding to receive consistent distributions from any investment, but it is even more rewarding when your time is not consumed overseeing the investment.
5. Multiple Streams of Income: Many passive real estate investments target high rates of return for investors, and if you invest consistently into different opportunities, this strategy can provide you with multiple streams of income for many years to come.
Contact us to learn how we can help you invest passively today!